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Timed 6 - Is it working Help pls.
Could anybody tell me if Timed6 is workable. I tried 2 ways:
- Looking for google - but my answer isn't equal to acceptable one (because of some google trash) Example:
Your 'url' input, decoded:/url?q=http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/626.html&sa=U&ei=Mt-SVPfoH9TtaI7NgPgD&ved=0CCUQFjAC&usg=AFQjCNHeV56CD8yIiJnGNDpH3ygAMFMM4A
Accepted answer: /url?
- I tried to forget about google and just cache correct answers… But they are always different (for one word + number too – because of google trash too…)
So i absolutely don't know what to do now. Help me please :)
I guess this challenge was probably designed a few years back, when google didn't mess up the URLs with its click tracking script and unique IDs:| Furthermore, for some of the searches, google seems to return different results to the server than to me - possibly based on geographic locations… My script got through only when too few results were returned and the correct url was thus empty.