Just made a website and want feedback!
I just made a website and i would like some feedback
thanks, Exidous
you have quite a lot of content, which is good (and more than most people wanted a review actually have) however, i find it pretty hard to kind of…look at. sorry, that sounded a bit harsh, but lets say, i think that the layout and colours could be improved. maybe you could have a look into CSS?
i would suggest:
*the layout main content shouldnt really be 100% of the screen size - easier to focus on - makes it look like you have more info
if you are going for a dark theme i prefer dark greys to complete black - makes it look cleaner - you can separate different parts
the font colour should be roughly the same colour, maybe slightly different - easier to read - cleaner
create a header image - brands your site - looks more professional
have a vertical menu or horizontal menu at the top - easier to look through pages without scrolling to the bottom
erm, thats some stuff on the design side of things, hope it helped a bit.
[all these things are just my OWN preference, it doesnt mean they are good]
Well, it's an ok site. Nice content and concept.
Although I do think the design needs some work, because at the moment all you have is some black background and bright text, you should add some colour fills or just come good graphics and blocks of colour to add substance to the pages and bring them together. Also some of your pages haven't had their page titles set properly, and I also don't recommend that you use Frontpage to make your site.
Also, using a freehost is perhaps not the best idea, it's ok for a test site maybe, or a starting site, but if the host goes down, your site is lost forever to the ravages of time. Also a free webhosting account may probably not be able to cope with a large amount of traffic. And also check the T&C, because they might cancel your account if they find out you are having all the hacking stuff on it.
But other than that, nice site, I wish you luck :)
oh, and does http://packetstormsecurity.org/ know that you are hotlinking a lot of their stuff?
ViralCoder wrote: oh, and does http://packetstormsecurity.org/ know that you are hotlinking a lot of their stuff?
With the small amount of bandwith free hosts are given, it's either that or host all the apps/other stuff on Rapidshare.
i have informed packet storm sectuity
and im am about to redesign the whole site (colors) i'm thinking about light greys and blues, reds, and purples
i just am trying to get all the information i have together!
i have like 20 more pages to add and way more content per page!
i have red my host's polocys and im good whith what i am hosting.
if there is any one who wants to help me with the design or anything just hit me up go to the contact us section! i will be more than happy to pass on some of this pressure!
thanks for the feed back! keep it comming… this is why this site is being made I wanna stir up some noise.
Rite dude. First off…. Head over to awardspace.com and make an account their .. They allow PHP and force NO ads .. PLUS it 100% free including 1 database etc.
Next, hunt around for a layout or a template. Add some php functionability. Perhaps, password protect (member only) a few of the more powerfull downloads to stop SK's from flooding your site :P
spyware wrote: What the hell? Are you a little bit slow or something?
Dude, design your own lay-out. Study some CSS, fix up some grammar/spelling problems, study some other sites (HBH, ZI, etc) to get a feeling about lay-outs.
Good luck.
HBH uses a premade theme by fusion,, and ZI uses a theme from wordpress.. and your own site uses a premade theme..
mr noob wrote: but dont constantly impose your unchanging opinion on everyone. you said dm sucks cos it has some stuff that other people wrote, although not much. ZI is about 15% original lol so dont be so goddamn critical
If you want to react on my review of DMZ please comment on my site, thanks.
And by the way, I wasn't talking about DMZ here, I was talking about the topic starter's site. And ZI, well, you should visit ZI now. It has changed.
I have completely re done the website! i would like new feedback thanks!
thank you, i just signed up at www.viralcoders.com … There ad free!!! and i think the url will sound better http://windowshackers.viralcoders.com
currently it has the old website (the hard to look at version!)