Could YOU hack THIS?
nice title heh? just wondering if any of you would no how to exploit this code? im not posting my site obviously but i got the code free and dont know php.
Please login.<br>
<form action="" method="post">
Username:<input type="text" name="username"><br>
Password:<input type="password" name="passwd"><br>
<input type="submit" name="sitename_authsubmit" value="Login"><br>
thanks for any help:P
Ummmm…. one would kinda need to know the PHP script behind the HTML !Q!
Thats just the html form!
To know whether or not your script is secure we need to know the following about the script:
Did you clean the user input? Are you using a database or txt files? if(database) did you escape mysql chars? Is there a SSL?
unless I am misunderstanding your question you need to be a little more specific and include a tad bit more information.
someone got it before me ^^
btw Poko, he said "i got the code free and dont know php." which obviously means he don't know SQL or any other DB language..
no but if he got it for free he should know how to paste the source of those scripts to this forum for us to look at.
i was just giving examples of what we would be looking for and things he might be able to google and learn a little about for himself.
unless its not his script and its another "hack this for me" … and poorly done..
so my friend. Post the script here the part that is in between the <?php and ?> tags…. for us to check out and actually be able to help you.