PHP edit files Script
Hey, i made a script that i use often to edit files, so i dont have to use FTP everytime i want to edit a script, here's the code:
<textarea name="content" width="100%" height="100%" style="width:100%;height:750px;background-color:black;color:LightSlateGrey;font-size:12px;" wrap="logical" rows="21" cols="40">
$file = $_GET['file'];
$x = @file_get_contents($file);
if( !$x ){
echo ('No file selected or no data!');
} else {
echo htmlentities(file_get_contents($file));
$content = $_POST['content'];
$filew = fopen($file, "w+");
<input type="submit" value="Edit!" style="height:20px;"> <input type="reset" value="Reset" style="height:20px;">
you can test it here:
just a free host i set up, ads and shit..
ok, post your suggestions/improvements or what you think, i'm PHP noob..
you don't need a "New file" option..just start coding and click Edit, the file will automatilly get created
what's the point of checking if the file is it self, when you can just make a new one that would fuck it, IF that's what you want to do..
the point is to use it so you don't have to upload files via FTP each and everytime you want to edit something, not to be a fucking noob and delete the script!
god damn..
HackingForce wrote:
you don't need a "New file" option..just start coding and click Edit, the file will automatilly get created
what's the point of checking if the file is it self, when you can just make a new one that would fuck it, IF that's what you want to do..
the point is to use it so you don't have to upload files via FTP each and everytime you want to edit something, not to be a fucking noob and delete the script!
god damn..
Erh, I didn't delete the script. In the case you weren't talking to me: I still didn't delete it.