Typical "check out my site" thread.
I just finished basic coding of the above site for my local performing group. The only broken links and whatnot should be in the "lyrics" section. After release to the fanbase, which will occur shortly, I plan to implement an admin section where any member of the group could edit the news section as they see fit without logging into the control panel and needing any specific html/php knowledge. Any suggestions about the best way to go about that would be appreciated. Later projects would include member pages, with another editing interface and possibly a simple message board in the vein of Futabachan/Trevorchan etc.
Thanks in advance, ;).
well my first impression was that the nav link colors didn't really go with the nav background. also I personally prefer visited links to be the same color as regular ones. so really it just needs some css I think.
I also prefer non-framed sites for the most part. I used to use them all the time (and they're easy to do) but I'd recommend just doing server-side includes (php include() function) for the navigation, it looks much more professional. :)
I'm with you on the colors. I think it is a bit bland, logo is basic, nothing really stands out much. Frames are annoying and really, having backgrounds on anything is very risky. In your case the colors don't really match. I suggest either using no background on that or main frame (if you stick with that style of layout) of do a faded background of about one color (so like not dark and light together and stuff to avoid color confusion) Try to do something with the navigation. I do not like plain text links for navigation (I would give you my site as an example on everything I have told you but it was deleted :( ) Try to jazz it up a bit. Maybe add a flash music player (with a pause and stop button) to go into a frame that never changes, playing your music. It gets annoying sometimes, so make sure you include a pause button… cannot stress enough with that info. Anyways ya. Good luck!
The Flash wrote: Even by adding the simple embed function in javascript you can have your music player:
markup<embed src="/song.mp3" autostart="false" loop="false" hidden="false">
fail to see how this is javascript lol :D
for a good music player though (mp3), I would suggest XSPF music player. Google music player, and it will be the one on sourcefourge.
In many browsers, embedded audio can be controlled via JavaScript statements can it not?