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tatourial for beginner webcreaters
Hello, well if you want to start making websites, then find a free host such as tripod, bravenet, etc. and then learn HTML from w3schools.com. Then if you are using windows use the notepad to make your pages then save then to your docs or something and go to your host and upload your file. If your are vary new then I suggest tripod and you can use the site builder tools to help your site along, and if you do use tripod you have to go to file manager to upload pages (took me awhile to find that out :)). If you have any other questions please PM these message or email me at masta_hacks@yahoo.com. Or if you want i can even help you with your website, it is up to you.
p.s. If you want to see a site i made go to unrealhackers.bravehost.com.