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problems with lampp
I wanted to learn PHP and MySql, so I have installed lampp from http://www.apachefriends.org/de/xampp-linux.html (german). I've installed it successfully, but I've problems starting the apache webserver. When I call directly lampp start, then it displays the message
XAMPP has to be started as root !
But when I start it after using su, there is written the error message:
bash: lampp: command not found
Could you give me some advice how to solve this problem ?
When I list all files in the folder the output is:
webspider@Box:/opt/lampp$ ls
backup error icons libexec modules RELEASENOTES tmp
bin etc lampp licenses phpmyadmin sbin var
cgi-bin htdocs lib logs phpsqliteadmin share
Lampp also stands for: Linux Apache Perl PHP. The X in Xampp stands for all possible OS.