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VirtualBox host-only ethernet adapter.

Huitzilopochtli's Avatar
10 9

A while back I had VirtualBox installed but I think I deleted it soon afterwards, anyway my broadband and phone line is fucked, so theres no wi-fi network and my ethernet connection kicked in.

This left my server unreachable via the IP address and the DNS service I use, and no amount of tinkering could fix it. It turns out the IP for my computer doesn't match the IP that is showing up in my logs, as it's from a "VirtualBox host-only ethernet adapter" with an American IP address that was apparently left after I uninstalled VirtualBox.

The server can be reached if you use that IP and it works fine with the DNS service, but using this IP negates some of the modifications I made to my config files, things like the server-info  and server-status pages are now viewable, the phpmyadmin directory is also accessible remotely, when before it was resticted to local access.

That looks like a pretty sweet vulnerability waiting to be exploited right there, does anyone know where the config files that the virtual adapter is using are located, as it's not using the ones I edited for my xampp installation, also has anyone else encountered this issue when uninstalling a VM ?

Scar0ptics's Avatar
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Yes, sometimes the uninstallers do not remove additional software required to run the software you originally installed. This virtual adapter was activated when your Ethernet connection turned on, so I would look into the VM installation method as this virtual adapter might be overriding your hardware based Ethernet adapter.

Look in the directory where the virtual adapter has been installed.