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Need a Free Web host with large storage

ghostraider100's Avatar
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Hey HBH members, I've created my own site and I've uploaded it on my3gb.com When I try share this on FB or register that on Sub-Domain, it is considering my3gb.com server as a spam. Would any one suggest me another site that is not a spam like my3gb, but it should include its features like:

_Large storage space _Data Base _No spammy server

Thanx in advance:)

Death_metal666's Avatar
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FantASM wrote: localhost. Agree. XD

Arabian's Avatar
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FantASM wrote: localhost.


For more information, see XAMPP

Night_Stalker's Avatar
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ghostraider100 wrote: snip Hosting yourself would be best. Personally, I use apache on a remote machine at a friend's house for hosting, and also use paid hosting.

Apache: download page "sudo apt-get install apache2" works well too. ;)

If you don't want to host yourself,

biz.nf zymic

are decent, free alternatives.

The paid host I use is ehostpros (now fasthostpros or something like that) and they're okay, I have unlimited bandwidth and storage storage for about $60 a year. I first started hosting with them because my ISP doesn't allow web hosting and I'd rather not get caught hosting. :angry:

Feel free to PM me if you want to host yourself and you need help setting up, and you can't find answers with google.

ghostraider100's Avatar
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Night_Stalker wrote: If you don't want to host yourself,

biz.nf zymic

are decent, free alternatives.

Thanks for your share pal.

FantASM wrote: localhost.

I dont have an Broadband connection man!

ghost's Avatar
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infinte storage.