Tell me what you think
Why bother creating a custom theme when all you're going to do is imitate Fusion/HBH?
Anyway, here goes:
- Ugly banner.
- Crappy font.
- Lol the "under-the-banner" quotes.
- Search boxes meant to be placed UP, HIGH, VISIBLE. Don't put it UNDER things.
- Layover shit for the links. It's broken too, try it.
- 14 HTML errors and 21 CSS ones. The HTML, you either choose to care or not, but the CSS is more important. Fix it.
- Bland
- You should limit the usage of "OMG LOL CSS HAS CAN ROUND BOXEZ".
- Whatever, stop trying, just install Fusion. Seems like that's what you want anyway.
Interesting way of putting things spyware..
Anyways it isn't going to be a computer security site or anything similiar to HBH. And I'd rather make my own cms than use fusion. Where else would I put the quotes, above the banner? I will fix the html and css errors, right now I'm working on layout, I'll work on making it valid a little later. You are on to something about the search box being down low however. And as for it being bland, thats why I'm asking for your thoughts on it. Need to know how to make it more appealing.
Anyways, thanks for your coughpossitivecough critism, it's apreaciated.
They are onto something with the shadows, and with the images. (I cant take the part about not having graphics from a guy who does ASCII art for a newsletter) anyways, maybe if you add a header for the boxes. This would achieve 3 things.
- More color= less bland site
- more attention the the titles of the boxes
- looks more professional
Just to give you an idea, this (is the general idea) of what I am talking about.
Use photoshop or gimp and add a drop shadow.
yours31f wrote: (I cant take the part about not having graphics from a guy who does ASCII art for a newsletter)
… Nah, you'll get enough shit for this without me educating you on history. Read some old hacking texts.
The main thing that fails about this site is the message I get when I browse to it:
This site requires Javascript.
You can effectively consider that message the end of my visit. I swear by NoScript and, if a site absolutely requires JS to function at all… then, I won't be the only one you'll be deterring. JS is nice as an added feature, but don't make it the headline.
I think the theme is too… blue. Everything is a varying shade of blue. Maybe make the background either a solid black or a solid white (whichever ends up not clashing too much), the middle area background a pleasant gray (like #ccc or #999) or even just make it match the body background, and the box titlebars white (of course, you'd have to darken the text in those areas). I think it would give your site enough variety to make what you want to stand out … actually stand out.
Other than that, I don't think the layout is bad. Just use a bit of variety, less blue, and give it some functionality that doesn't completely rely on JS.
Looks pretty good, I' am not the best at graphic design but if you'd like some help with image work I'd be happy to offer my services.
I'd say that leaning heavily on JavaScript isn't necessarily a bad thing, you can really make a site bad as hell with it so I' d say go for what you like.
Good-job so far, keep it up.