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New User page?

ghost's Avatar
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Okay I have everything working, more or less. I need help getting my INSERT to actually INSERT what I want when I want:

include 'config.php';
$user = "testing"; 

<form action="createuser.php" METHOD="post" name="newuser">
<input class="textbox" type="text" name="user"/>
<input class="textbox" type="pass" name="pass"/>
<input type='submit' value='<Create User>'>

$sql = 'INSERT INTO elitehacks_user (user_name, user_pass, hack_points, rank, user_ip) VALUES (\'user\', \'" . md5(pass) . "\', 150, 1, \'" . rand() % 255 . "." . rand() % 255 . "." . rand() % 255 . "." . rand() % 255 . "\')';

mysql_query($sql) or die('Error, insert query failed');

mysql_query($sql) or die('Error, ');


Any ideas?

ghost's Avatar
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whats not working with it?

ghost's Avatar
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It creates a user before it gets the variables… and the IP part doesn't work :(

ghost's Avatar
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you didnt check if the variables have been set. wrap an if() statement around the sql bit that checks if the form has been posted.

ghost's Avatar
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and also the second mysql_query bit should be mysql_query($query) shouldnt it? otherwise youre entering the same row twice ;)

ghost's Avatar
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Oh ok thanks. How would I do an if() I tryed $_post and also the variables don't get inserted into the SQL statement correctly :(

ghost's Avatar
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Code update:

include 'config.php';
$valid = "12345"; 
if (isset($_POST['valid']))

<form action="createuser.php" METHOD="post" name="newuser">
<input class="textbox" type="text" name="user"/>
<input class="textbox" type="pass" name="pass"/>
<br />
Validation #
<input class="textbox" type="text" name="valid"/>
<input type='submit' value='<Create User>'>

if ($_POST['valid'] == $valid ) {
$sql = 'INSERT INTO elitehacks_user (user_name, user_pass, hack_points, rank, user_ip) VALUES (\'user\', \'" . md5(pass) . "\', 150, 1, \'" . rand() % 255 . "." . rand() % 255 . "." . rand() % 255 . "." . rand() % 255 . "\')';
echo $sql;

mysql_query($sql) or die('Error, insert query failed');

mysql_query($query) or die('Error, ');
} else {
echo "dang";

ghost's Avatar
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I am using isset(), can I please IM someone for help? I got most of the script working, I just need help getting the username : passwork to be what the user selects and echo Username $user already taken!

ghost's Avatar
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The username already taken part is easy:

Run a Select query in PHP, looking for entries 'WHERE username = POST[user]'. Then, check for the presence of a result. For some stereotyped code / pseudocode:

if (!result)
   die('Username $user already chosen!');
// run Insert query

Not sure what you mean about the other part.

Edit:  Smileys suck.  Remember, kids, disable smileys when you post code.