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Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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WhiteAcid is the project manager. He'll oversea everything and add hints, suggestions, segments of code etc.

Story so far: gonna follow a similar storyline to Deus-Ex.

You work for one company, and they have asked you to investigate another rivial company. So you start to hack into their site and you then find additional things and then the story unfolds.

as the story unfolds it requiers you to hack other middle companies and even the company you work for.

in the end, it turns out the company you actually work for is the bad corrupt company and the other companies are indeed the "good guys".

thats a very very basic outline, but we need more indepth details, as to why they coampnies are rivals? how is the compny going to be corrupt etc etc

I have a brief idea on exploits, but first comes story + charachter development.

So what im gonna ask for you is:

  • Suggest storyline development
  • Suggest Charachter profiles

I also need 2 100webspace accounts setup please, in which i will then put together 2 large corporate websites to be used for each company.

ghost's Avatar
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How it is corrupt

Selling secrets on black market Employing a hacker, lol!!!! Polution Bribing politician


Banks or Drug companies they are the two largest most corrupt industries

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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i want this storyline to be "big" though.

the company you work for is a very big company so i think this "conspiracy" should lead quite high up i think.

ghost's Avatar
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What like aliens etc or injecting a whole country with a brain stimulant?

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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no, something like, one company is researching into mind control drugs or something, and plan to sell it to the gouvernment so they can "controll the masses"

and the "good" company is investigating you, and your company have hired you to see what they found out etc.. and thats when the story unfolds.

something along those lines.

ghost's Avatar
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What about that one of the companies makes the software that runs on the machines to count votes and, as they would, they tweak the results.

Edit: When I last spoke to Mr_Cheese about this I mentioned that his idea was like Deus Ex in a passing comment, so don't let that start narrowing your field of view. Unlike Deus Ex, this game (what's it going to be called?) is set in the present, or very near future.

Of course, companies don't have to focus on one thing. Take Google who offer search engines, forums, office tools and are an ISP. Take Lockheed Martin, they manufacture small arms, bloogy huge arms and build aero space equipment for NASA. The company you work for could have started off as a relatively small government think tank which was asked to implement one of their ideas (which could have been totally kosher (not controversial)), they were then kept by the government as slowly aquired a few other companies to help implement their ideas, some of which weren't quite so kosher. So while you may work for it's support team helping staff with their various problems they may be doing stuff you had no idea of, which is what the game progressively focuses more and more on.

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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yeah i like that idea.

and as one of the last challenges on this game, it could be to do something to the software.

ghost's Avatar
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Hm, will I'm not very good with ideas, but I will try and think of some. When you need coding done, I'll be ready to do some things :)

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what do you think of a way of corruption… One of the companies employs coded the main program that the other companies work with and and does all their 'stuff' (what ever it is) and has back doored him/her self into the system from one of there computer (whos building is a skyscraper just next door) and then a 13 year child of one of the boses realises this and starts to abuse it (he's noob dude) and starts to get sloppy leaving traces, the company finds the kid using it and then reverses whatever is happening to them and gets into the other companys 'mainframe' (i love the word ever sense gta) and does something to them, then they trace the kid back to his house and fuck off he boss of the company and then he gets pissed off, gets in a specialist which finds where the attack came from but he actually works for the company and is a malicious hacker which ends up controlling the both companies and getting fucked over by the 13 years for some reason.

Was creating literally as i wrote it, sorry, was a it of a rant. xD

ghost's Avatar
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I was thinking maybe of something to do with like the new york stock exchange, something that has to do with money. the majority of bad things happen because of money so that is just the idea, i have no idea really for the actual storyline tho. im more focused on the coding side of the project.

ghost's Avatar
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You think the big pharmacitical companies don't exist to make money. The stock exchange doesn't have an owner who controls everything it just says what is happening

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lol mozzer i read this thread first so i didn't see the other one about the pharmacutical one XD

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have the 100webspace acct's already been setup? if so give us links and ftp's please :D if not then i will set them up