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taking control over a network

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Say i pull a car into the street out front of my victim X's house. Victim X has an unsecured wireless network. I go on my laptop, and connect to the network. Can someone point me to a tutorial on how i can get access to other computers on Victim X's network?


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If you get connected, then you will be assigned an internal IP address on the LAN. Now, you're part of the network and can do regular network activities…

  • Network File Sharing/P2P
  • Wake on LAN other PCs

You can log into the router (try default passes –> ie. admin:admin). If it's a Verizon owned, for example, try and login with admin:admin for a generic Westell router.

Now, to be more specific as to what you CAN do once on the network, I'll suggest suggestion the whole network:

[bash]$ nmap –v –sV -p 21,22,23,80,8080,135,5900,6000

And if you LIVE hosts running certain services behind the ports that you've scanned for, then try enumerating for more information on that service, and exploit a service running on your victim.

That should get you in. Remember, cover your tracks (and possibly leave a backdoor for your next entry).