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best wifi router

ghost's Avatar
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hi, i just want your opinion which wifi router mark/class(linksys,d-link,ovislink,etc…) is the best?

ghost's Avatar
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Linksys has served me well over the years. Personally D-Link has done nothing but frustrate me. I'm sure each product has it's own set of pros and cons depending on how you would like to use it. D-Link and Linksys are the only two that I've used enough to feel comfortable commenting on.

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I've used D-Link and Belkin. The Belkin router I had sucked. D-Link performs okay, but definitely not flawless. Now I'm plugged in with cable so my network is a lot more stable than it is when it's wireless.

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I have a Belkin I received for free. It sucks, to be honest.

"Best" is different for everyone, but a Linksys with custom firmware such as DD-WRT or Tomato firmare is awesome. :p