Wireless Cracking
Well, I've been looking around and I've noticed there are tonnes of different ways to crack wireless.
I was wondering what your preferred methods are. I figured the best way to find the best methods is to ask the people that know :]
So what methods would you suggest? Currently running a 1.4Ghz Dell Latitute with 512RAM and Windows XP [No objection to LiveCDs]. Using Dell Wireless 1350 WLAN Mini-PCI Card. In case it helps change the decision :]
[Edit] I forgot to mention that this is only for educational purposes. [/Edit]
It's always nice to know other people's preferences though, in case I find their's better than my own.
But, as you suggested I am going to try several methods myself. Firstly using Windows and Aircrack. So, does anyone know where I can find the drivers I need for the Dell Wireless 1350 WLAN MiniPCI for 'monitor mode'? I'm looking around, not just hoping to be fed, just wondering if anyone knew of any decent resources. As far as I know it uses some Broadcom Chipset.
If I use a LiveCD, what would be your recommendation? Backtrack is the obvious one as far as I understand, but when I tried that it didn't work. At this moment I can't remember why not.
hellboundhackersok wrote: Put BackTrack on a USB stick and boot from that. When starting it up choose KDE and everything should be smooth. Very easy to crack passwords. Just mess around, teach yourself some stuff. Have fun!
Okay, I shall do just that when I get chance. I'd still like to hear other people's preferences though.
Check out Gregorpm's channel on Youtube. http://www.youtube.com/user/Gregorpm