Neat artical This article demonstrates how to use various BSD versions to setup a home firewall. My question on this is, could I use this personal firewall to route my network through? So I could setup a FreeBSD box and configure a firewall and route my Windows box through it? I think that sounded dumb because well I believe the answer is obvious yes but I would like your, secure, input. Thank you. Off to the misses house, later fellas.
You post to much nonsense. You should only reply when needed. Say Jack and Jill go up a hill to fetch a bucket of…. What? And you reply "water", good job you helped me out, and potentially other members. You should reconsider some of your reply's, im not pulling a "dick move" but I am in a bad mood because my arrogant fucking brother left for school leaving me here like a dumb fuck.
The answer isn't in the article. I shouldn't have asked the question overall though because the article made it clear enough that I could insert my subnet range and IP on a network. FreeBSD is too much of a pain to configure though, so I am going to be a lazy guy and make a WAMP server and try to make little cash off advertising. You hear about that guy who made a program in visual basic which you would insert an email of myspace and it would return the password? It is 100% fake, but he definitely made some money off of that stupid con. People. Well I am going to watch hackers and attempt to learn how to setup SSH on windows boxes and configure them through Zone Alarm. Don't wish me luck! Ill fail! ttyl -chronicburst.
will you ladies stop whining?
here, from the grandiose