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Zine Competition Thread
Graphics(Dates:07/28/06-08/14/06 Rules Graphic must be designed by you. Please follow the descriptions NO signatures, aliases, or anything in the image to "mark-it up" as your own. Competiton Make a image 800x100 min to a max of 950x120 (banner) Banner should be in colors of the following :8d0d0d, 5B5B5B, c9c9c9, 333333, C5C5C5, and F9F9F9.
- NOT ALL COLORS NEED TO BE INCLUDED* The following must be included: Site Name-( Hackers Reign ) and the slogan-( The Underground ). Visit http://www.hackersreign.com to see a cool graphic to get some ideas. Prizes 1st place will get his avatar on the home page and recieve 50pts at HBH. 2nd: 30pts 3rd: 20pts
For those of you who have questions please post below and eventually I will get to them
SUBMISSIONS: 2 weeks left
Please PM them to me here or at Zine. Or Email me [mail]hack4u1210@aol.com[/mail]
Ive got 3 submission so far.