msn error 8007efd
I agree with the poster of the relevant sites on the link, too:
Google is a wonderful thing. Please google things before posting…
A quick Google of "error 8007efd MSN" turned this up, btw. :| First link.
Zephyr_Pure wrote:
I agree with the poster of the relevant sites on the link, too:
[quote]Google is a wonderful thing. Please google things before posting…
A quick Google of "error 8007efd MSN" turned this up, btw. :| First link. [/quote]
euhm:| not seeing how that link would solve my problem but I already googled it myself;) didn't find anything useful (and I triedthe things that were useful cf reïnstall msn, restart pc etc)
Try this link:
It mentions possible proxy problems, possible methods of auto-detecting the connection, and also mentions that you may have to re-register some DLLs that MSN uses.
really wasnt that hard to find:
"If the error continues to appear it is most likely because the Windows digital signatures system is damaged or corrupt. To resolve this you will have to register several dll files that are required for Messenger. You can do this automatically by running a batch file we created or if you prefer by executing the commands yourself."
the rest is on this link:
download the zip file or whatever.
[edit] Woops…same link as the above post. i wrote it before it was posted.[/edit]
i2l84u00x00 wrote: i just reinstalled windows and i still cant get ANY of my msn prorgams to work ive tried 6-live and all reject me ive even signed up for new accounts yet it says cannot connect to service i don have arouter either so idk
I one way glad that I'm not alone;) but on the other side it sucks for you to:(
restarted rooter and it works:D:D:D