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Could USB speed my computer up

puritys's Avatar
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I read some article like this, http://stechnotrick.blogspot.tw/2013/03/how-to-use-usb-pen-drive-as-ram-of.html

It is about setting virtual memory to speed computer up.

My computer have 4 GB ram and always ran 2 virtual machine that are winXP and Linux.

Sometime my computer's memory is not enough to use.

I had already setted 6GB virtual memory to my "disk D:".

Does computer set virtual memory of USB is better than disk's?

My computer only has "Sata 9500325 of disk" and "USB 2.0 "

I survey the information of hardware speed .

The max speed of Sata2 is 300 MB/s. The max speed of USB 2.0 is 60 MB/s.

So I don't need to try USB virtual memory, right?

rex_mundi's Avatar
☆ Lucifer ☆
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Try it out and see if it speeds it up or not, you can never get enough ram.

puritys's Avatar
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Ha Ha !

I will try it later. But the first problem is I need to find a performance testing tools. XD

5n0wdr1ft's Avatar
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If you're looking to benchmark your computer you should read THIS when you get around to doing it…

As for the software itself, I've always sided with simplicity myself. Use CPU-Z. No bells and whistles but its powerfully simple.