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user accounts block, help ?

ghost's Avatar
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ne help?? this dude made my gf's mothers acount admin, but she ****ed summin up lol, now i need to get admin rights to fixit, iv tried going to safe mode-administrator, but when i go to user accounts it comes up completely blank, hes block it and obviously i have no idea what hes done lol stummped, ne1 help?? plz =]

ghost's Avatar
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tell me more of what you're talking about. Specify what account, and what OS is she running?

AldarHawk's Avatar
The Manager
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Running Windows XP? Windows Vista? Ubuntu? Windows 98? Windows 2000? All of these have different ways of "hacking" into them. Please explain in full detail what the problem is and we will help you out as much as possible.

ghost's Avatar
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there are registry entrys you can get to from any account… and use cain to get them if u dont know where they are… it will also crack the hash for u… GOOGLE

ghost's Avatar
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use Back|Track to load Windows XP SAM files in, change her password, on the login screen hold Ctrl and Alt then press Delete twice to get a prompt instead. Type her username and your newly entered password and log her in, go to user accounts in control panel and set your account to admin, voilá!

AldarHawk's Avatar
The Manager
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Another Option is OPH Crack ;) This is good for cracking windows SAM files.

fuser's Avatar
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but the liveCD version of Ophcrack supports only LM hashes, which means that if the computer runs vista or the LM hashes are disabled or the password has more than 14 chars, which means there will be no LM hashes for Ophcrack to crack.

but according to the Ophcrack site, you can actually change the tables by either changing them in the ISO file before burning it or on the USB stick if you install ophcrack LiveCD on it.

can't you just delete the SAM file?

AldarHawk's Avatar
The Manager
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Never tried that and I do not plan on seeing what happens if you do delete it.

Anyone know what happens? I should set up a Virtual Machine and test that! :P

fuser's Avatar
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well, if you delete the SAM file, the next time the computer boots up it will re-create it with the admin password as blank, provided that the SAM file is on the local machine.

but if any of you are worried, just use the tips mentioned earlier.

ghost's Avatar
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you can always just get geeksquad mri repair cd from your favorite torrent site… use the samurai password hack that is built in.. (just remember to change your system date to something before feb 22 08 if u have the old release!) ~~ I use it alot its never crashed or messed up a pc ever.. And it backs up the sam file ~~