OS Help.
I'm going to keep this short,
Basicly can you recommend a good M$ OS for hacking / General use and a place to download if possible
A good Linux distro for a linux n00b that is good for hacing ect. with download places.
Thanks everyone,
P.S. sorry about that lack of detail ect. i am on my school comps and if i leave HBH up too long it will get banned :D.
Have a read of What Unix?, which is the best to learn it and for hacking?
If you are inexperienced at Linux though and want to give it a go, then I suggest Ubuntu. Others may suggest other things, I suggest you look at all suggested distributions and decide yourself.
As for a good MS OS; well… There's no where near as much choice (logically), why not use either XP or Vista?
I would try as first some cd distros like ubuntu (also avalaible: kubuntu and xubuntu), knoppix, DSL (damn small linux), etc. . If you like them, you can try out SUSE linux, slackware, mandriva and other popular distros. Because you can modify your 'own linux' as you want, there are many distros for special purposes available, like whax, whoppix, phlak and backtrack for pentesting and others for other purposes. Look at distrowatch.com for finding out which distro suits for you best if you're definetly sure, what you are doing.
It will eat up AT LEAST 600MB RAM just IDLING!!!
(Yes, I know that's prefetch, but XP prefetches just as well and runs well with Photoshop CS2, Flash 8, Premiere Pro 7.0, OpenOffice.org Writer, and full-blown graphics with WindowBlinds skin (with onboard graphics) in LESS THAN 600 MEG RAM!!!
Anyway, if you want a good M$ OS, thats kind of ironic, but I'd say look for a torrent of something called "XP PRO PERFORMANCE EDITION"
It's basically a crack of XP with all the bloatware, trial software, etc. taken out. It is very stable (I've never ever had a hang on it on my 650 MHz Atlon machine with only 320MB RAM!) and will run at speeds comparative to most Linux distros. You might have to find a few drivers for some older/less common hardware, but thats not very hard.
So go with a dual boot configuration of XP PRO PERFORMANCE and some linux distro. Like the last poster, I'd say go with Ubuntu LiveCD at first, and DSL is good too (First Linux I ever used ^.^) and then try Mandriva, Slackware, Debian, and then look for some distro to suit your needs.
Happy learning, hope this helps.
(Micro$oft, if you want to sue me, my name is Bill Gates and I live at 1, KingoftheWorld Lane, Redmond, WA)
you're retarded…there's nothing wrong with Vista except its price.
And as for installing Linux, most people (in America at least) grow up learning how to use Windows, not Linux. If you know how to use Windows effectively and you don't know how to use Linux, it's obvious you should just stick to Windows. (unless you have the time and patience to become effective with Linux :P)
And which Windows should you choose? Well, I could be wrong, but as WhiteAcid said, I think choosing anything other than XP or Vista wouldn't be a very smart move…
Skunkfoot wrote: you're retarded…there's nothing wrong with Vista except its price.
Well, I shall keep my mouth shut, since I don't want to OT this thread into another Vista vs. XP argument.
And which Windows should you choose? Well, I could be wrong, but as WhiteAcid said, I think choosing anything other than XP or Vista wouldn't be a very smart move…
Windows 2000 Pro would also be a reasonable consideration, especially for a slower machine.
i recommend WindowsMe. i have always done all i ever set myself to do in this amazing Microsoft Distro. my productivity is around 7 times higher when using it than when using cheaper alternatives like win 95, 98 or 3.x. furthermore, it has never crashed and it comes with haxxor programs preinstalled like internet explorer for webahcking and microsoft outlook express for SE. it also had Microsoft Notepad for writting Codezz!! but i got it uninstalled by mistake!! :xx: