Rooting Challenge 1 - Linux Program not running
I know I'm a noob to hacking but this makes me feel like a noob to linux as well.
I downloaded the linux program and chmod 744 it, then inside of a virtual terminal I type ./root1 …. Nothing. The program just exits, no output at all. Is anyone else having problems??
FYI: I'm running Hardy Heron Ubuntu 64 bit if you need more hardware stats I'll be glad to post them.
I am not a expert on Linux, since I am running a Win XP pro machine. But when I was doing this challenge I had a similar error. It would exit or just quit a certain task. But through some help I found out that it is very specific on the tasks that you need to perform. Try doing direct commands to do what you need to do. I hope this helps.
The app is odd it is a little slow to start maybe run it longer…
Linux wolf-desktop #2 SMP Mon Aug 17 00:52:54 CDT 2009 i686 AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 955 Processor AuthenticAMD GNU/Linux
bash-3.1$ wget
--2009-12-30 23:10:23--
Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 11100 (11K) [text/plain]
Saving to: `root1'
100%[===================================================================================================>] 11,100 --.-K/s in 0.05s
2009-12-30 23:10:24 (216 KB/s) - `root1' saved [11100/11100]
bash-3.1$ chmod +x root1
bash-3.1$ ls -l
total 12
-rwxr-xr-x 1 wolfmankurd users 11100 2009-06-19 18:43 root1
bash-3.1$ ./root1
0 Welcome to Root Simulator Mission 1 By Xendz & T-Metal 1
1 Edited by Hakyuro 0
Works fine for me. Will check on a 64bit system in a sec.
Same result on [wolfmankurd@ali-desktop ~]$ uname -a Linux ali-desktop #1 SMP Fri Oct 23 00:05:22 EDT 2009 x86_64 AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 955 Processor GNU/Linux.
It seems unlikely that it's a permissions problem, if you tried to run it without the excicutable permisisons then it would just say permission denied.Post uname -a so we can see your kernel stats.
msbachman wrote: Ignore the dumbass who responded with "gdb," because he apparently doesn't even know that that's a debugger, and it probably won't help you to debug a program that's probably working fine in the first place. Probably why he/it jsut responded with "gdb," instead of giving you a reason for that or what you should be looking for. Tool.
Maybe if you had any idea what you can do with gdb you would understand his comment. Until you do, I suggest you shut the fuck up.
fashizzlepop wrote:
Maybe if you had any idea what you can do with gdb you would understand his comment. Until you do, I suggest you shut the fuck up.
My apologies. For some reason that's now lost on me I took offence to what he wrote and decided to flame him, which he didn't deserve. On my frist post, no less; it's a bad idea to make such bad first impressions in life, haha. :)
Now that that's been said, I'm curious as to the benefit of GDB in this context in all honesty. I know that you can use gdb and set up 'next' statements in a perpetual while loop, but when I tried that (and it's been a bit so I don't even remember clear details of this) I can't recall anything that jumped out. Maybe if you could attempt the same and direct me where I might have passed this by I would appreciate it.
Again, real sorry for my lack of class and composure. In retrospect it was a stupid thing to get uptight about given that it was a sincere reply and not a flame that got me riled up to begin with.