Rooting 1 directory change.
I cannot get this. I have used the cd function in so many different ways. I wasn't planning on making this thread but I have tried too many cd functions. I understand that the "/" will disconnect you, however a "//" or "/…/" wont. I got that from a previous thread if that is correct. I also read that this should be done one step at a time. So I shouldn't "cd /home/etc"? cd etc or cd /etc. They don't work, and I am clueless.
chronicburst wrote: Actually i have not tried that. However from reading the other rooting one help topics I am suppose to be changing the directory and then going back. Going back I think would be "cdup".
It's possible that either aren't accessing the directory correctly, or that you're accessing the wrong directory. Maybe there is a directory you need to hit that's beneath "etc". As for "going back", there is more than one way to navigate up a directory: relatively and absolutely. :)
Okay thank you. I have been looking at *nix commands for some time for the cd function but now I actually know what im suppose to do. Thank you. I will post if I get it or not.
Wait, so am I using the "get" command? The cat command maybe. Im guessing I need to use the cat function? Correct me while I try this.
And someone needs to learn how NOT to be a dick. Well in your case a vagina because you seem like a pussy. No need to go being a dick for no reason. Honestly, no reason at all. And yeah, your right. I do need to know more about commands, and its seems to me im actually WILLING to commit to that. So what the problem is?
chronicburst wrote: And someone needs to learn how NOT to be a dick. Well in your case a vagina because you seem like a pussy. No need to go being a dick for no reason. Honestly, no reason at all. And yeah, your right. I do need to know more about commands, and its seems to me im actually WILLING to commit to that. So what the problem is?
Not using every source of information in your reach.
I couldn't agree with you more Korg. Im just a noob, and I admit to that. I am a 15 year old kid. Hense, kid. But I have the desire to better myself with computers and.. And now im actually starting to get the bigger picture. You absolutely right, this challenge isn't for me yet, until I can do this on my own.
@chronicburst.. I respect you for that,Do use all a favour if your stuck Google the shit out of what you need to know,Check things onsite like articles,forums. If your still stuck then and only then post in the forums. Research this yourself if your still stuck I will help you just PM me. But try yourself first.
Dig the smileys~!
The key thing to remember about these challenges is that, in some way, they actually do resemble real-life situations. This one is emulating a certain set of commands for a certain use. Though the challenge is simulated, the general considerations do not change: use the commands as they would be used in actuality, or use them as close as possible. Also, remember that certain command interfaces are more limited than others.
ynori7 wrote: i just got it. now i feel stupid. i was doing all the right commands, i was just doing them from the wrong place. i was in the home directory, not root directory.
This is what everyone else will say once they do a decent amount of research on the chosen methods in the challenge. Don't just try a whole lot of stuff and run to the forums… focus on the subject that has to contain the solution, then learn about it and pound away at the challenge.