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Trying to make a honeypot (badly...):D
here is what I have so far…
Option Explicit
Dim move_cap As Boolean
Dim port As Integer
Private Sub Form_Load()
port = 84
move_cap = False
Label4.Caption = Winsock1.LocalIP
Label6.Caption = Winsock1.LocalPort
Label7.Caption = Winsock1.State
End Sub
Private Sub Exit_Click(Index As Integer)
Unload MainFrm
End Sub
Private Sub Start_Click()
Start.Visible = False
Start.Enabled = False
Stop_prog.Visible = True
Stop_prog.Enabled = True
Winsock1.LocalPort = port
End Sub
Private Sub Static_Moveable_Click(Index As Integer)
If move_cap = False Then
move_cap = True
MainFrm.Caption = "Exploitarians Honeypot"
move_cap = False
MainFrm.Caption = ""
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Stop_prog_Click()
Stop_prog.Visible = False
Stop_prog.Enabled = False
Start.Visible = True
Start.Enabled = True
End Sub
i want it to be connected to through telnet, but I can't get it to display a message when you connect… if anyone can help it would be much appreciated.
i cant remember the sub names exactly, but you will need to have 2 subs for your winsock1 control.
one that handles connection requests, and the other one that starts when the connection is connected.
once you worked out that, you can make it sve the message in a string, and send the data to the established connection, as soon as it connects.
that should work.
you can also make good honey pots with netcat.. might be worth looking into.