EM's: Rooting 2
Beta test it!!
let me know if you get any errors or if you complete it perfectly, or any changes you want to see made etc etc
OK, cd command works in all but one situation. "cd .." when you are in a single level directory. ie /home or /sbin
There is a simple way of getting around this
Type in the cmd box
This tricks the system into thinking you are already in the base dir
BTW if this method of changing dirs is a possible cheat I will look into a way of fixing it
There used to be the cd .. I know because I had it on the online version. I'm sure Mr_Cheese will try to reincorporate it into the mission
Yeah not a bad challenge. I completed in a couple of minutes. lol i just didn't delete one of the files. i dont understand why the ftp is in their unless its just making it seem more realistic, idk. like others said, just set it to focus on the textbox, simple javascript. <body onload="javascript:document.form[0].element[0].focus"> is what i believe it would be. Then the user doesnt have to click their everything which is kinda annoying, but other than that its a good little challenge to get a user started to what the environment is like even though it has nothing to do with actually gaining root in the first place :D i have never done any rooting so if we could get some pretty realistic it would be awesome, because that is something i really wanna learn to do.
jus thought i would post this, i got it after i beat the chall
<b>Warning</b>: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/hbh/public_html/challenges/root2/index.php:9) in <b>/home/hbh/public_html/fusion_core.php</b> on line <b>173</b><br /> <center><br />Congrats! 80 points has been added!<br/ ><br /></center> /home/grey/files>rm googlefiles.gz
What is supposed to learn by this challenge?The cd,rm,cat commands?
I found this more easy than root1…..this is not rooting, u have yet access to the machine and privileges to rm files…. Not a password to find, nothing to exploit, you have just to move in the dir and delete two files.
For future rooting challenges i suggest you to have to scan some host, find a open vulnerable port, lauch a exploit (like writing a bof) and once youre logged on the system delete the logs(only your logs) and change the password of admin or other things.
However this is a good start and it have also a good GUI. Try to make it more shell similar and activate all commands.
Thanks for this challenge guys.
it's an ok challenge, and again, I have to agree clicking the text bar over and over is annoying, and the fact that the cd command is a bit dodgey gets annoying too. Also, the html
<center><br />Congrats! 80 points has been added!<br/ ><br /></center> Shows up in the congrats message, but thats just about it ^^
i gotta say im a complete noob at this an tht was quite easy for myself the only real thing about it is tht there are no definitive instructions to get you started an the file name for the files your supposed to delete is not what it says in the description so i deleted everything lol aside from tht its a cool challange tht will earn people a few points