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ghost's Avatar
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hi there people…

i've got a question,and i hope,you can answer it for me…


when i upload a image…my avatar for example,it comes out crappy. now this is just my avatar…it's small,so you don't notice it that quick… but it's completely deformed…blurred…it's just totally f'd… i uploaded my sig,same story…it is,off course bigger then my avatar, so i am not gonna put it up,untill the graphics are alright.

i tried converting it,to different formats….no go…

i tried one more thing,and that was uploading it,with the effect in it,so it was basicly a background template?then it would show up just fine…

someone got an idea,of what i am supposed to do here?to get it right?

some help would be appreciated…


thanx in advance…

ghost's Avatar
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weird problem you got here. haven't really faced this kind of problem but maybe i can be of some help.

  1. first of all i can see that the dimension is 150x150….you should scale it to 100x100 at first to use it in hbh.

  2. make sure that the host webshots.com is not compressing your pictures because of a size limitation….i have seen some hosts to do that.

  3. if possible change your host to something like photobucket.com.

if the problem is still there you can pm me or add me on msn to dig deep into it.


ghost's Avatar
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probably compression or automatic file resizing.

ghost's Avatar
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yeah thanx,think i've got it now… it's probably the host…bacause if i view my sig with my webbrowser,it shows up just nice…i've seen no other,blurry sigs on HBH,so….i guess,the filehost is the problem…thanx guys…
