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3d Graphics!

ghost's Avatar
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Hi everyone,

Share your own attempts at 3d graphics!

I like this one I dug up from 5 years ago :) Done with Java but nowadays I prefer Python.

Sorry if the image is too large, I don't know how to make a thumbnail…

techb's Avatar
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This is a fish model I'm using in a fish tank game. I'm using frustum correction or also known as "portal view"; like Johnny Lee's VR Head Tracking. Youtube for more info.

Its not done yet; I still have to flip the normals on the fins so Panda3D will render both sides of the plans, and I want to add more color. Still learning Blender, so this will take a while to complete….. Go procrastination!!!

ghost's Avatar
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Yeah, I meant independently coded, but anything is cool. Something interesting or exciting! I prefer the fun and freedom of doing it yourself. It encourages innovation and understanding :)

How does the lighting work with that fish, btw?

Anyway, here's a weird glitchy one, but parts of it look kinda natural/organic. I like those kinds of happy accidents!

fuser's Avatar
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wow. all of these efforts are really amazing. Are they really done only by programnming?

update: I've just discovered this new language, Processing, which seems to suit those that like programming and making art, and best of all, it's FOSS.

It's available for download at: http://processing.org/

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The fish isn't done by a program I modeled it with a 3D modeling program called Blender 4.9.

The lighting is just a simple hemi pointed at the fish.

And I use a flavor of Processing to code my Arduino's. It looks basically like C++. Nifty language too, I've never tried graphics with it though. I also have a model I did of Jack the Pumpkin King's head, but I can't find it at the moment.