3D Graphic Artist Needed
You'd probably have a better chance at just posting the image and letting others submit what they can come up with here in the thread and then paying. You'd be getting the best quality you possibly could out of HBH instead of just letting people message you on MSN or aim or what have you, and giving you a price for the image. I donno just a thought :ninja:
slpctrl has a point. Anyway I used to do 3d, but if wanted the pic to look a little more professional, I would suggest checking http://forums.cgsociety.org/, you have better chance to get really good pics there even for free, and guarantee if you're gonna pay for 'em
This is the drawing. I need the Black as Transparent and the Pipe and items with it to look realistic/3D
AldarHawk wrote: www.erikwestlake.com/Pipe.png
This is the drawing. I need the Black as Transparent and the Pipe and items with it to look realistic/3D
Seems pretty easy, but it might be slightly difficult to achieve photorealistic outcome, because where you don't have realistic environment ( the pipe placed somewhere, therefor reflecting things etc ) you can't have realistic materials. The autocad mentioned above would be perfect for this, but I'm gonna dig into it with 3dmax sometime tomorrow ;)
edit:also could you specify what type of material would you like the pipe to have, like shiny new, maybe some brushed metal, or little scratched, used up :)
TrueHacker wrote: just wanted to make sure, but is it okay if we clean up the lines and stuff, or is that exactly how the company wants it.
assuming from the only reference photo that was pretty shitty, and since it's the only one, so you basically have to guess other dimensions, I think it's ok if it doesn't follow 100%, although I might be wrong :)
Actually I'm not a 3d artist, but do have drafting experience using solid edge 3d modeling – in which it would be an interactive file that you could move/rotate etc. if you want me to draw up a quick I can do that and get you the file to look at. Though not sure if thats what type of thing your looking for.
Using a 3D CAD program will work just fine, might actually get you the results a bit better too :)
This is how I have it set up and they like it just want it 3D, the lines are joints/weld points so yeah they would be needed. The end pcs are flanges so yeah they gotta look somewhat like that. the parts are basic 2D drawing parts for the Drafting industry. So please get this stuff in.
I am looking to have something by Monday, August 25 if this is possible. Please PM me with your links to the pics as well as the price (Please Watermark them to stop forgery until the picture is purchased)