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maybe something involving binary and some random tags , commands etc etc
Yeah, cause binary is 100% hacker-style. Random tags? Love 'em. Don't get me started on commands, they are the ultra-leetz0r.
if you could do somthing for me that would be great. should be pretty ez. maybe just bonzibuddy with a bunch of teddybears or somthing (a little gay, but kinda amusing. maybe with "bonzi buddy" across it, i dont know.
You really made that?!? Its PERFECT! Could you make me a sig too? (im in search of the perfect sig) Anything with that chaos-style you had there, and my name would be great!
Thanks again if you don't mind :)
Yeah bro, that is really good work. I would like to pick your brain about it sometime. Maybe add me to messenger so we can chat sometime? Once again, great work.
I'll Definitly be intrested in a Sig, and the beauty of this is…. It can be any thing you want. Let your amazing skill's decide that. Just Incorprate my name … I'd be very grateful.