Putty Error
I'm new on rooting, why is it I always get "PuTTY fATAL Error Network Error: Connection timed out" everytime when i'm connecting on smashthestack's tux.smashthestack.org, I have already provided the necessary connection details provided by the site? is there a wrong cofigurations on PuTTY that i have to change? :|
thank you guys, i tried using other PC w/ your solutions on my problem, and yes it's workin' now, but when i try it on my PC again there's this fatal error comin' out again, so i guess this concludes that my ssh port is disabled or somewhat close just like xTc mentioned. again THANK YOU FOR ALL your answers THANK YOU for helping a NOOB. Good thing there's a site like this. I'm learning. Then again thanks alot.:)
haZZknightZ wrote: I'm new on rooting, why is it I always get "PuTTY fATAL Error Network Error: Connection timed out" everytime when i'm connecting on smashthestack's tux.smashthestack.org, I have already provided the necessary connection details provided by the site? is there a wrong cofigurations on PuTTY that i have to change? :|
Maybe your firewall blocks putty? A lot of AV do it by defualt.
@Wolfmankurd: Does disabling my AV will do?
@killerguppy: thank you for the maybe i'll try this one instead of smashthestack
@xTc: i will also try to repair my OS for some loss file.
TO ALL: Thank you for responding. I'm Learning:D