Stupid school blockers...
yea i have a idea cuz i am gonna do this at my work :ninja:
ANYWAY install UltraVNC Server on your home PC user/pass your server setup then you wanna thinstall UltraVNC Viewer put in on your USB or whatever then when you get to school have at it…cuz this way you will be connecting to your home computer and it is completely GUI very easy to use and your School cant block what you are looking at. Hope that helps….peace
Some schools even blocks USB, I know mine do. And it is possible to do it even simpler, on the web. Use like they got an online service for remote desktop, no installation or anything, and no, there isn't a big delay, nearly just like VNC. But if you are talking about internet blockers (which I though you did) you may setup an online proxy lite this They used phproxy to it (noway :O).
Deamonspawn wrote: or you could remote desktop to your home computer thats wat i do when i want to check something out on the internet thats blocked and if you have a phone with bluetooth you can get a bluetooth usb thing and connect to your phone and get internet that way. just some ideas to throw out there
UltraVNC is like a "Enhanced" version of Remote Desktop