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Just a little help

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Hello, I am kinda new to this, and I would like it if you guys could help me. All you have to do is just PM me just about little things about hacking or anything eles that could be helpful, or if you just what to say whats up you could do that also. I am just trying to learn everything I can. Thank you for your help.

:p:pP.S. you can send me anything from hey this is a good site to go to learn things to he this is some hint that I found that has helped me. Anything!!!

Bios Phear

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I know, google.com is my bud. but thanks for making the point clear.

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just work through the basics and when you dont know something…use biggnicks advice…GOOGLE!

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Well you're here, so that's a good sign. Hacking isn't something you can learn over night, and be pro the next morning… it takes alot of time and dedication. It involves various skills in computers, alot of dedication, persistance, and willingness to learn.

If you've decided that you really want to be a hacker, that's great. That's your choice, but you must learn most things on your own. Whether this be by reading information on the web, reading books, or learning through watching other people (Eg. HBH podcasts). Only if you have searched, looked around, and havn't found anything should you ask on a board like this one. Even then, you must structure your questions so that you appear as though you want to learn, and that you aren't just taking the lazy way out, getting spoon fed info. So that might be your first topic that you want to search in google. "How to ask questions". There may also be a few posts, or article's on it on this site.

After you know how to ask questions, you should focus on web development, and programming. HTML & PHP are great to start with because of their flexibility, and similarity to other languages like C#/C++. Google around. Information is everywhere, you just need to know how to find it.

If you believe you have done this, you should know where to go next/where you want to go. If not, try to complete all of the basic challenges, as they are a great insight as to what's needed in you're hacking "career".

Good luck, -Jay.

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JayFM, Thank you for your help. I know I can not become a hacker overnight, and know also that reading is what I am going to have to do. I do the basic web hacking and know how to solve up to about 7 (even if it says I have only done to 2) but I dont want to do them unless I fully understand them in depth and have a vary good fell about it. I thank everyone for posting.

Sorry if I was blan in my ? but I just want to know what you guy use for sources and things of that matter. Also small software (windows, Lunix, ect) stuff that has help you along with your hacking knowledge.

So I must Read a lot more, Try stuff on my own, and what else.

Thanks for your help.

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PM me with what you already know, and where you would like to go/ be in the future, and i will point you in the right direction.
