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Yeah, im new.. And i probably don't even belong on this site.. I've barely figured out anything… but im somewhat good with exploits (not really hacking) and i'd just like to know, if theres programs i can download, the run and crack into someones account..

How do i do it.. Etc etc… Also, Where is the Admin.txt document?? (well, what directory)

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thats called being a script kiddie. now im not gonna flame at u, because ur new..(and its annoying) but here, u can learn to do that ur self without depending on programs.

if u do that good luck! ;)

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Well, Put it this way, the most amazing thing i can do, is play with URL's to get me places, besides that.. and EVEN IN THAT, I can't do more than, Find hidden forums, edit (still haven't figured out how to save) peoples information on various sites, and thats about it.. now how would i come about hacking someones password without a program? Sit there for 3 years entering everything i know? i don't know these people, i know there email and thats about it

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well there are some vurnerabilities with some sites, for instance there might be sql injection involved, cookie stealing, u can even social engineer your way into there account. u can learn al this with HBH's articals and challenges.. if u need help i MAY be able to help u with SOME challenges :D

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hey there are programs that will brute force forms for username/passwords… just download one of them that hacks html forms… i think brutus was one i remember… i dunno.. but they do work

I remember one time I made a fake hotmail website and used my IP address to host it.. it was an exact replica.. then i used some social engineering skills and sent a msg to the person saying they won some shit and to click on the link to login to their email… and it was just a link with my ip disguised to look like hotmail.. they logged in and it sent the pw to my email.. and just gave them an error…

other ways are just common exploits / scripts etc… sql injection, XSS, file inclusion, javascript injection… I dunno just whatever else works.. thing is theres so many ways to hack something theres not just 1 way you know… it always depends on what you are trying to do…

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Can anyone link me to brutus? Will this work on a website called "rotteneggs.com" It runs on php…

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Well, I know, I'm not trying to be no insane hacker, I know im a script kiddie, im not puffing my chest out and saying im uber HaXXorz..

I understand there could be legal repercussions i just want a link to the program place, i wouldn't use it for anything amazing, fucking with a friend… something along those lines.. Is the program ITSELF illegal?

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it most likly is illegle (i suk at spelling) i dont have a link for it sorry…

u can use an email sppofer and pretend to be admin of the site and SE his password out of him i do that all the time!! (at neopets graphix owners using freewebs)

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Erm… Neopets? I don't mean to offend you but how old are you? Im just kidding, actually i used to run a VERY SIMPLE neopets scam… complicated, yet simple… i have SEVERAL accounts with millions of points, which i sold..

But, Social engineering will NOT work in this situation, it is a person who has some intelligence, the Admin doesn't really email, speak, or appear at all… so that won't work

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not trying to flame you or anything but…

it seems as if you are asking "how do i hack a certain website?"

people don't usually hack for you unless you pay them or something. but people will help you to learn about hacking/exploits….then it's up to you to figure out how that certain website is vulnerable. so my suggestion is to just do challenges, read articles, and figure out how different exploits work.

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a google search for brutus will give you what your looking for in, ummm, the SECOND RESULT!!! AMAZING!!!

good luck with it, and dont drop the soap

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ya i was just going to say man use google.. like come on… you can find anything on there… you should be happy enough i even mentioned Brutus to you… lol

I know people who use this and know nothing about hacking could be called a skiddie.. but no need to reinvent the wheel.. i don't have time to program my own.. I do know how to program though in many languages so I know that i'm not noob… but just don't go around saying your elite because you use 1 program and It possibly cracked an account for you.. thats how script kiddies come about..

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enough of that, now onto the second half of my inquiry, Where can i find the "admin.txt" document, I read an article on it being in a directory, yet, i found nothing after that.. where can i find that?

Anyone have AIM!? (its satan, but it's VERY commonly used so i needed it)

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admin.txt of what?? wth r u talking about??? more details

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For mission 14 of basic web hacking, It says in the source code, the password is located in "admin.txt" and i need to find that,

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so lol, how did you find that you have to look at admin.txt in the first place??? maybe view the source again and take a look at the actual location of where that file is stored.. you can get this its very easy

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ADB pm me i can help u out on learning to hack..