New Challenges
Ive heard from some members that there are 2 unreleased realistic challenges (1 by system meltdown and 1 by wolfmankurd) I would love to see these challenges up soon :(
Also Any updates on other challenges?
I would send in a realistic challenge but Im having trouble coding up the last part of the challenge to make it work the right way. If anyone wants to help whos good at coding let me know.
im working on wolfmankurds at the moment and adding finishing touches.
im also going to start producing one of the hardest and most lengthly challenges to date. gonna be about someone "asking suspisous questions about you" and you have to hack in somewhere and get info and whereabouts of this person… who turns out to be a SS agent, then you have to do other things to cover your tracks etc.
gonna be a very involved and excellent challenge.
and about systems realistic, he claims to of emailed me, which no doubt he has, but i cant seem to find it. i'll chat with him soon and we'll get it sorted.
im also going to start producing one of the hardest and most lengthly challenges to date. gonna be about someone "asking suspisous questions about you" and you have to hack in somewhere and get info and whereabouts of this person… who turns out to be a SS agent, then you have to do other things to cover your tracks etc.
hmm, I wonder where the inspiration for that mission came about:p
awesome, keep up the good work Mr. Cheese, as well as everyone else who is coding challeges for this site.
I've been working on one that looks good in theory, but might not play well on HBH, but if anyone's interested and can help code some kind of checking to see if you've proxied, pm me and i'll give you the details & access to the host it's on. Has to be someone trustworthy (so you don't go and delete all the data).
@nights shadow: ill help you if you want