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ghost's Avatar
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I'm just curious, but who here is part of the group ihackers? Is it purely based on members of this very board? I seen holylemon.com lol and I recognized a few names from here. Regardless, is this one of the reasons why the site keeps getting shut down, because of this spread publicity pointing at the groups?

ghost's Avatar
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Ive never heard of em before not sure if any hbh members are part of that

ghost's Avatar
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Well, I know for a fact englishpanda is in it, and I think -the_flash-? Correct me if I'm wrong.

ghost's Avatar
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rofl wtf are you talking about. read the thread you 'tard. before you start puttong peoples names in, look at what they do. FUCKER. Also - the reason hbh is getting shutdown has nothing to do with its content, it is the datacenters personal opinion

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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let me make this clear.

iHackers and ANYONE in the group, or affilated with the group WILL be banned and blacklisted on HBH.

I shall explain: iHackers was at first a simple team for the HBH events which i had no problem with. But then the leader decided to make it into a black hat group where they hacked anything they could. To top it off the leader used a shitty guestbook defacement with his group name iHackers, and then thought he was the elitest kid in the world. Then he posted the links in the forums and this was JUST after all the problems HBH were having. You know that HBH has a fine legal and anyone breaking rules jeperdizes the whole site. And im sure you all know how i feel about blakc hat hacking, espically on random innocent sites where hacks completely lack ethics.

So because of that, anyone found to be in the group, or affliated will be banned and blacklisted. So i suggest members leave the group and find a more skillful and more legal group that can participate in the events.

You may thinks its harsh, but peronsally i'd rather blacklist a few reckless HBH members than have the whole community shutdown yet again.

End of story, thread locked.