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Weird problem!

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Hello, this is my first post, I have just been lurking in the background attempting basic web challenges. Anywho, I have been encountering a rather strange error it seems recently. If I try to access hellboundhackers.org with my tor foxyproxy running, it brings up a spam of outlook and msimn.exe application errors stating that I am banned, when I turn off foxyproxy though it seems all is well and I can safely access the site. Unfortunately I <3 having tor running and would rather always have it on (especially at hacker education sites which i visit daily :) ). Is there anyway around this and do you know why this happens? It doesnt even happen all of the time, only some of the time! :( Thanks in advance for all of the assistance and GREAT SITE!!!!! keep up the great work, I am truly greatful I found this site everyday!

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It dont know why it does it, but here are two guesses.

  1. HBH checks to see if your using tor, and if you are then it sends you to the banned page.

  2. The IP that is being displayed by tor is banned, you will be taken to the banned page.

ghost's Avatar
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hmm it's weird because tor works on this site for me

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Yea hey guys thanks for the replies, I thought about the IPs I am being sent to being banned as a possibility, its seems that the IP is in Denmark alot :P It is really weird, and when it happens quite annoying :).