Lacking Information
I am trying to learn web programming. W3 schools seems an outstanding source and I have been studying from there with success. When looking at the HTML code for any of the challenges, I see code that does not seem to follow any conventions or is not referenced or listed anywhere that I can find. An example of this would be a <link rel='icon' …. statement. "icon" is not a valid value for the "rel" attribute of the link statement in any documentation I can find. I also see ".main-text" and other references similar to this that also cannot be found on the W3 school site. I am obviously new to this and am missing something! Any advice on what sites besides W3 will give me a more complete reference to web programming would be greatly appreciated.
yours31f wrote: Hey i found what you are looking at and it is css.
Thanks, I now see where this is a style sheet reference.
The other reference: <link rel='icon' …
still does not pan out for me. For <link rel= I see valid parameters of:
alternate appendix bookmark chapter contents copyright glossary help home index next prev section start stylesheet subsection
but no others listed. BTW this is all off of the challenge page for Basic Web Hacking #1 (lines 10, 11 & 12 of the source). Wow, isn't Firefox with the Mozex extension and "HTML Kit" as an editor amazing or what?!?!?
Anyway, the challenges are interesting and I understand and have solved this challenge (mans best friend) but I am also looking at all of the code, making sure I understand what I am seeing and trying to figure out what it does. I am new to web programming but not new to computers and software/hardware at all. Started on C-64 in early 80's, have assembly, Q-basic, V-Basic, a little C++, a little Pascal and a lot of VBA with Excel and a whole lot of PLC (industrial) programming experience.
Thanks for the replies, this seems like a great community of people who love to share knowledge and experiences.
The icon thingy is the favicon.gif you can see on the left side of URL address in your browser. First this was implemented in FF, so my guess that this is an unofficial addition by Mozilla perhaps, not the official HTML code. That means not all the browsers will display it correctly, they can just ignore it.