School Banned Websites
Hey I Havnt Tried This Yet But i was wondering if this would work and if i should give it a shot.
though websites like are banned Say if i did the trick were i make A website my desktop background
And Myspace Was My Desktop Background Do You Rekon I Would Actually Be Able to use myspace. (havnt had time to try this and cant remeber how to make website background)
Just Give me an idea if yew think this would work.:happy:
Listen, I'm guessing this is your first community act on this site. Firsty I'd like to state my opinion about one thing: MySpace sucks (to translate this for you myspace suxx) Okay, I'll try to stop being mean now. Read a few other threads on the forums that have similar topics (you can figure out the topic by reading the title). Then look at how people reply to such threads. After doing that, think about what you're asking and where. If you really are serious, try it. People will give you better, constructive replies if you ask "Is there any other things I could try… I've done research and tried…." There was also a key point there. Research. Do lots of it. I will share with you a secret in great trust. This may be the most useful site ever to hackers and computer-technicals all over the world. Use it wisely:
Now, think about what I've said and maybe try again.
A direct answer to your question however is no, it's really unlikely that it would work.
By the way, moderate english is much better than awsum wrds. I'm not saying you should start using propper sentences and correct grammer, and I'm not saying that you'll be capitally punished for a spelling error or typo. But "yew" ? I beleive "you" is the word you're looking for.