STARCRAFT 2 Rumors of it comming out 10/08. Trailor is pretty cool, but you dont get to see ZERG!!!!! Anyone else hear anything about SC2?
and btw:
heres another trailer, about 50 secs in theres a zerg attack, they look even more awesome and violent than before ^^
[edit] OMFG WOW protos get a ship that can make black holes and a shield and lasers and shit… thats awesome :) [/edit]
i think i'll actually PAY for this game. it looks so wicked im gunna probably end up failing university xD have ya'll seen the 20 minutes video of them playing the beta version? i'll find my link and post it when i get home. the protoss get this fucking badass MOTHERSHIP…..FUCKING SPAWNS BLACK HOLES.
sooo….excited. :)
I watched all the videos today and they didn't show very much of zerg! :angry:I havn't bought a game since HeroesV, but this is definitely worth it. @ Samurai- You have time to keep your grades up till 10/08. They probably will procrastinate and release it later though. :( EDIT: I see a HBH tournament in the future! :evil: