MMORPG Game In The Making
A staff of programmers and myself are looking for programmers that can do graphics and are skilled in C++. We are trying to create an MORPG game similar to The 4th Coming and WoW. Hopefully if all goes well we will make a good profit out of this. If the game gets up to the $profit$ level, everyone will get paid.
Skilled Programmers Should Be Able To Program In The Following: -Any type of C language preferably C# or C++ -Flash -Java -Visual Basic -Python -Perl
Please contact failedattempt92 on AIM or me at xm4554cr3x or xdiehardkillerx. Or email me at
P.S. A group of game testers will be needed later on in the production of the game.
Your Fellow Hacker, -m4554cr3 (a.k.a. QK)
From what it sounds like, you really don't know anything about game development. Take a look at what you're asking them to know- For example, for rapid application development, C# is great. It would NOT be preferred in any serious game development endeavor.
You guys need some more experience.
If you interested in starting this more seriously, contact me.
Have you even built a game before, because what you are trying to accomplish is almost impossible. If you plan to make a game, you will need about 2 months of planning at least. You are trying to make a game that you will sell with what, a free gamengine and some pirated software.
Don't waste your time with a MMORPG, if you have the skills try making a single player game first.