Favourite Game?
For my opinion see http://www.hellboundhackers.org/forum/xbox_or_ps2_-43-508_40.html#110042
Moss wrote: You really cant get enough of Counter Strike Source. No matter what other game you buy you can always come back to CSS with a good feeling.
That is, unless you get wrongly acused of cheating and end up being VAC banned. Takes all the fun out of it. Even when you use a keylogger to get someone else's SteamID credentials and play on their un-banned account. It's never the same.
Anyway.. I'd struggle to choose my favorite game to be honest.. It would probably have to be a slightly older game, considering, in my opinion, game quality is deteriorating with time. I like new games like Assassin's Creed, COD4.. but they both lasted me two days each. I'd finished them and played a little extra by then.
I still occasionally play the original Half-Life, that's good for gameplay and stuff. I've recently been playing Dungeon Keeper, Dungeon Keeper 2, Stokekeep(That's a good old DOS game, if you haven't played it) and I'm planning to get one of my original Red Alert games (Red Alert or Red Alert: Aftermath) running again soon.
Damn, that was a long post just to talk about games.
Epic necro post. Hahahh. Oh well.
I've always loved the old Atari games and Sega Genesis games from when I was a kid. :3 Orcarina of Time and Majora's mask were pretty good. Never owned an n64, but one of my friends did when I was little and we'd play those for hours. Wolfenstien 3D n64 and PC versions was amazing. I'll get bored and sit around and play them on emulators. Lol.
I don't like many newer games though. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare was OK..Nothing great though. Bother's in Arms (don't remember the whole name of it.. it was a real time strategy WW2 shooter though) was ok. I liked it more than CoD:MW because it requires some strategy and planning to it, as well as the shooting.
I like the fast paced shooters a lot though. Nexuiz, Warsow (I don't really see why so little people play this one), Sauerbraten, Urban Terror(it's alright, in my opinion, not as good as the others I listed..) I tried playing that game Tremulous or something like that. It was alright at first, but then it just got boring after an hour or so.
Think I liked Warsow, Urban Terror, Sauerbraten, and Nexiuz most out of the newer games I've played, in that order.
1337gr0uD0n wrote:
Mhmm, are those the ones for DS? I'm only familiar with the ones for the original Gameboy and Color version of it . Yellow, Blue, Red, Silve, Gold, Crystal and Green (I think Greem isn't a gameboy one. Maybe gameboy advance?) I remember playing Green on an emulator a few months ago for the first time and being like "HOLY FUCK, CHECK OUT DEM GRAPHICS. c:".
http://www.cyberiapc.com/vgg/pics/nintendo_gameboy2.jpg < Had one of those. :3 http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_llzizfy1fG1qass87o1_500.jpg < And eventually upgraded to one of these. Hahah.
Unrelated: Came across this on google images. Never seen this before. http://media.techeblog.com/images/gamefighter.jpg < THAT, is amazing.
Mtutnid wrote: Hmm. A blank second page. Strange. Anyhow my favorite games are:
- Chess BTW is MoshBat dead?
Moshbat asked to be deleted a while ago, Never thought I\'d say this but damn I miss him. :@ I see the pages aren\'t storing properly. Sigh, I\'ll add it to my list of a billion things to fix. Edit, Issue is fixed now.
<edit> Along with these goddamn addslashes.