Homemade games
Mr_Cheese wrote: i remember my homemade game coding days…
.. back in the day of gd old Q-Basic!
I used to make all kinds of games in Q-Basic!
Love Q-Basic! It's almost as good as running Windows 3.1 :)
Anyone else done game coding with Q-Basic?
Yeah i have though only calculator level stuff.
It is the best lang ever
spyware wrote: Q-basic, woohoo for games? Never seen any good engine made in Q-basic.
ofcourse not! the most you can do with Q-Basic is a game like astriods.
i use to make little stick men adventures and other games similar to that gorrilla game where you have to throw banana's at each other.
awesome stuff :D
yea, I used to spend all my math class programming my TI-83+
I wrote some pretty sweet shit too. A space invaders clone, a text-based RPG with 7 character classes, even some useful stuff like a way better Quadradic formula sovler…
Good stuff,
back on topic…
only_samurai wrote: I wrote some pretty sweet shit too. A space invaders clone, a text-based RPG with 7 character classes
reminds me of one of my finer games i made… you had to form your own band, make your own music, and then get gigs and tour the world!!
was an awesome stick man RPG.. and you could even create your own music!! and by "music" i mean a series of differnt BEEP()'s!! i thought it was amazing because you didnt even need speakers, just relied on the computers beep function! (i was 9 at the time :) )
those were the days :)
The best with the Ti-83 was Fall Down, Pheonix, ZTetris, … great moment in boring math and physic class.
Q-Basic was a little too basic. The best thing I made with Q-Basic was a recursive program.
As game what is really nice to do, is game in javascript with Canvas. I used to make a game that was a little bit like Final Fantasy I with Canvas and javascript. The basic of it where working, I could move around in the level, attack monster, have event.
thejas wrote: [quote]richohealey wrote: python -e "os.system("/ fr- mr".reverse())"
What if he's on Window$?[/quote]
forget the exact syntax, but from memory
import os for files, dirs, waste in os.walk("C:\\", 1): [tab]for i in files: [tab][tab]os.remove(i) [tab]for i in dirs: [tab][tab]os.removedir(i)
..hmmm ui forgot something, i don't think that's how you make it walk fromt he bottom up, i'm sure it's soemthing other than the first argument to walk…fuck idk..
and cheese: yeah i've still got a few games i wrote in qbasic, as well as heaps in python, good ole pygame libs.
I'm coding an arena style fighting game right now as a 100+ hours school project.
It's already playable and I've only spent about 35 hours on it, so there's much time for improvement B) and for those of you who have seen too many lame SSB clones: it's not like that, I assure you ;)
I've also coded a lot of smaller games including Pacman, Breakout, Emo cutter (personal favourite xD), a game about my hometown and more…
dex_poet wrote: I was hoping to get into game design, and am taking a digipen class through high school/TSA. Is writing the code for jumping really as hard as they say?
Hmm, I'd say an easy way to code a gravity is to use a loop which sets the vertical movement speed += x pixels downwards each time it's run. When you jump you simply begin a vertical movement upwards, but since you're drawn downwards you'll slow down after a short while, start falling downwards and begin to accelerate downwards (gravity).
Uber0n wrote: Hmm, I'd say an easy way to code a gravity is to use a loop which sets the vertical movement speed += x pixels downwards each time it's run. When you jump you simply begin a vertical movement upwards, but since you're drawn downwards you'll slow down after a short while, start falling downwards and begin to accelerate downwards (gravity).
awesome, iv been looking for a way to do that thanks!!!
anyone else overjoyed at cancer/kac7 being banned again??
aye, spend most of my coding time doing just that :D
im not as hard core as you guys tho. all the calculator progs ive made have been math related :happy:
anyways i spend huge chunks of time in flash/actionscript making flash games, ive got a big arsenal of games ive made ranging from just about everything mentioned here to a little more advanced type rpgs (not THAT advanced, just a descent game engine)
i wrote 2 articles on game creation in flash for hbh :D and i have about 50X where that came from, but it seems the community on hbh does not crave very much actionscript gaming articles :(
peace hbh
DigitalFire wrote: im not as hard core as you guys tho. all the calculator progs ive made have been math related :happy:
a calculator program being math related :O lol
Uber0n wrote: By the way, aren't there more people on this site who code games? :right:
yeah maybe we could encourage it and get people to upload them or whatever for points or something. Maybe an official hbh game development section or something