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Google Cell Phone

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I think they're gonna make callers listen to an advertisement before connecting them to the other person's phone (or something similar), so:

I want to know if there's any phreakers (or anyone else) here who might know whether or not it would be possible to skip these advertisements…

EDIT: I also want to know your opinion about it. Would you be okay with listening to an ad every time you placed a call in order to get free cell phone service?

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Beats the hell out of me.

If you want another cool phone thing google's set up to tinker with, call 1-800-GOO-G411. It's a sort of enhanced information line they've set up to rival other 411s. Very intruiging.

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lol all those people dont know WTF theyre talking about. when has google ever put any add before the content youre searching for? do you ever need to see ads before getting your search results? or are the adds nicely displayed on the side?

and theyre even already categorizing into age groups saying "only teenagers and etc. will want to use this" while obviously the open-sourceness of it means this will be able to be designed and re-designed for many more age groups and social groups than any other mobile platform ever was…

so yeah dont listen to this crap, the media in general has a very poor grasp of what FOSS means aside from the "it doesnt cost money and microsoft said it breaks patents so i shouldnt mess with it and i'll stick to good old microsoft that doesnt spend a billion a year in average in patent infringement lawsuits"

its just like the guys saying android will be the most insecure platform out there because its open source…

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Folk Theory wrote: lol all those people dont know WTF theyre talking about. when has google ever put any add before the content youre searching for? do you ever need to see ads before getting your search results? or are the adds nicely displayed on the side?

Just because they don't put ads on their main site doesn't mean that they won't put ads on their phones…

and theyre even already categorizing into age groups saying "only teenagers and etc. will want to use this"

They didn't say that, you're a moron…

so yeah dont listen to this crap, the media in general has a very poor grasp of what FOSS means aside from the "it doesnt cost money and microsoft said it breaks patents so i shouldnt mess with it and i'll stick to good old microsoft that doesnt spend a billion a year in average in patent infringement lawsuits"


its just like the guys saying android will be the most insecure platform out there because its open source…

Who says these things? Introduce me to these people.

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lesserlightsofheaven wrote: Beats the hell out of me.

If you want another cool phone thing google's set up to tinker with, call 1-800-GOO-G411. It's a sort of enhanced information line they've set up to rival other 411s. Very intruiging.

i just googled this, pretty interesting. the video is quite funny too. http://www.google.com/goog411/

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gosh i dont feel like going through articles on FOSS to show you what i said was correct, either take it or not, i dont give a crap. but if you think back your experience should show that every time you read an article on a mass media place or computers website (like computerworld from where this was taken) the authors usually displayed a poor grasp of FOSS concepts and freedoms, including authors that were positive towards it.

as for were does it say its for teens etc. :"The average adult who can afford a cell phone is not going to want to listen to ads. So this is mainly for teenagers, twenty-somethings, high schoolers or people who can't afford a phone," said Kagan." there you have it, theyre categorizing into age groups and the last one is a social-economic group.

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I luv google…next project 4 google….a TV station…lol

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as for were does it say its for teens etc. :"The average adult who can afford a cell phone is not going to want to listen to ads. So this is mainly for teenagers, twenty-somethings, high schoolers or people who can't afford a phone," said Kagan." there you have it, theyre categorizing into age groups and the last one is a social-economic group.

right, they didn't say that only teenagers will use it…

And don't get me wrong, I don't believe everything I hear, especially when, like in this case, a company refuses an interview about their new product :P

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**Folk Theory wrote:**and theyre even already categorizing into age groups saying "only teenagers and etc. will want to use this"

i can clearly see the 'and etc.' in there. i thought people were smart enough to understand that 'and etc.' means that im trying to say there are more words after teenagers, without having to paste text from their site, and having to give thought to whether they permit to copy text verbatim without notifying the guy, and then think that i dont care either way, and by then i had already finished writing the post so i clicked submit.

dont get me worng either: all i mean to say is this guys dont really know much more than us about android.

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I get what you're saying, I get lazy sometimes too..I'm not trying to start an argument or anything either Folk Theory :P

Back on topic. :)

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well i hope my next cellphone will be able to run KDE4 perhaps GIMP and deluge too to make it perfect, but somehow i doubt it..

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They have cell phones with Windows on em (basically) so could you like, put linux on it instead? I know you can put linux on your iPod. Also, apparently you can turn a normal touch screen phone into an iPhone (or at least the GUI and the way it does stuff and whatnot)


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i wanted to get linux on my ipod but this new ones have some encryption in the database that screws everything so i can't even write to it from linux (i can play music from it on linux but nothing more)

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google's leading its development…enough said. expect to see groundbreaking ideas on android.