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Encryption Article

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Title: Personal Encryption how-to Subject: Encryption Data: Intro:

This article is on how to start your way on personal encryptions. This article will contain information on where to go to find patterns. This article will also cover encryption 3, seeing as i think it's best to learn by example and this one was probably the easiest encryption.

Finding the Pattern:

Alright, go to the encryption. If you're anything like me you'll probably look at it and go, "What the hell…" If you noticed before you went to the challenge, that it's description said, "addition and subtraction." So, what do you think we're going to do? Maybe add and subtract letters from the encrypted letters? You are absolutely right! But how, is there some wierd table to know what i end up with when i add and subtract, how do i do this adding and subtracting? Well, it's simple, go to http://www.asciitable.com and the two last columns are the ones you want. Now, let's start off by subtracting one from the first letter in the encryption. So, take Z and go up the number list (you're subtracting, so it's up. It's strange, i know.) So, what do you get? You get a Y. Now, if you get to the end of a column, you just go around to the other side. For this particular mission. I suggest you start on 1. Subtract and add 1 to every letter of the first word and see if you can make a word out of them. If not, start adding and subtracting 2, etc., etc., until you find the right number. That's it, that's all there is to it. This adding and subtracting also has another word, it's called keys. What this is is just adding and subtracting certain letters. These won't just be adding and subtracting, but you can do the same thing (finding the pattern) to accomplish your goal (decrypting the message). Like encryption 5, +5 (add 5) etc. Encryption is as simple as that.


Well, as you see personal encryption is easy as all hell. All you need to do is find the patterns, but HBH is nice and gives you what you need to find.



3x3 , 3x6-7x3-4x3-5x1 , 5x5-5x3-7x3!

It's pretty simple, but…you know….first zine and all..



It's sha1 - 6 characters, A-Z a-z 0-9. Not in dictionary, cuz it's "1337"

By: nights_shadow

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The introduction repeats "This article" at the beginning of three sentences in a row. It really seems unprofessional to do that and I think it should substituted with something else. I'm not sure, however, what could fit.

Also, some structure would make this easier to read. At the moment, it simply appears to be a chunk of text whipped together without thought.

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well go a head.. take a crack at it and edit it. :)

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hack4u wrote:

This article is on how to start your way on personal encryptions. This article will contain information on where to go to find patterns. This article will also cover encryption 3, seeing as i think it's best to learn by example and this one was probably the easiest encryption.

Assassin's edit:

In this article, you should learn how to start your way on personal encryptions. After reading, you will learn where to look to find patterns. We will also cover Encryption 3, as I think it's an easy example for beginners to learn from.

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Are those encryption challenges going to be worth anything? Do i have to message someone with the answers to them?

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no see i was thinking of putting the answers in the next zine… that way if they want to know if its right they get another one… see you have to think of ways to do that… keep them hooked. :)