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The Next Zine
UPDATEDokay here are the members incase you guys wasnt to be in contact:
GrindordieX Mr_CheeseX hack4uX saxible angelflyX BobbybX Frozen FlameX MDX n3w7yp3X nights_shadowX weapon wolfmankurd XeroX Monster
-X = done a job each member will be asigned an article or 2: We will do the same articles once again but this time we can add other sections in place of others.
- Compare Linux and Windows wolfmankurd
- How to use JTR fast and easy Frozen Flame DONE
- Mac OS Hacking Bobbyb DONE -Network Security nights_shadow
- Prices of comuters and parts(gadgets) weapon -Difference between 2 programs(any programs) n3w7yp3
Games: MD -Game Review -Game Of the Month DONE
-Encryption Section saxible -News(HBH,Web&Root Wars,) Mr Cheese DONE -Hacking news -Hactivism Section Xero DONE -Exploits saxible
IMAGES & ETC: -Frozen Flame -Monster