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My computer is screwed...

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Well what first happend was I was screwing around on setting up a printer on the network and well I leave the computer and my know it all dad installed some clinent service for netware or somethinglike that and I get this old login screen from then on

its the traditonal login screen instead of the windows XP login screen were you select a user.

The one im getting is it has a user It says my name then it has a password box I can login but its all old at the top it says 1985-2001 or somethinglike that ive allready uninstalled the clienct servicre for netware thinking that would help but unfourtnaley it didint does any one know what is wrong??

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Start -> Control Panel -> User Accounts -> Change the way users log on or off

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YES thank you so much jake you rock every one jake is the BEST w00t

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well duh.. of course he is