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Wine + Photoshop CS2

ghost's Avatar
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Hey everyone, I just installed PhotoShop CS2 using Wine version 0.9.45. It seemed to have installed fine, but I'm having problems getting it to load.

I enter 'wine explorer /desktop=Photoshop_CS2,1000x900 Photoshop.exe' into my terminal…

At first it spits out an error that says "The Adobe UI font could not be loaded" I just press OK and it continues to load…It loads up to the main screen but a second after it finishes, it says, "Sorry, a serious error has been detected. To continue using Adobe Photoshop, please reinstall the application." and then it freezes up after I click OK. Any ideas of what could be going on? I really need Photoshop on my laptop so if you think another version of Photoshop would work better, please say so.

Also, I'm currently running Backtrack 3 (which I really like on my laptop, though I feel like it may be time to switch to Arch linux if there is no other resolution to this problem). Thanks a lot

ghost's Avatar
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My advice would be to try "gimpshop" if you are using linux. I use XPlite dual boot so I don't use Wine, especially for big programs like photoshop or games. Are you trying to install photoshop on BT3?

Here's a couple system requirements for CS2.

320 MB of RAM (384 MB recommended)

1024x768 monitor resolution with 16-bit video card

For ram, that isn't counting the ram you need for the OS and WINE.

YouGina's Avatar
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Should be the resolution than:P Already tried it?

ghost's Avatar
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Gimpshop actually looks pretty good. I was considering switching to Gimp, but I didn't know how easy the jump from Photoshop would be. Since the interface of gimpshop is a lot like photoshop, I shouldn't have any problems though. Thanks