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(My own challenge so no points. Just for fun.)
I don't know if it's easy or hard :P Just wanted to post it here.
The answer is passwd kind of… even tho it's useless because you can't check the passwd :P
Hmm.. Maybe it is too hard. I don't know tho is it good or bad thing that it's hard :P Maybe I should give a hint. Or then I should just stfu, because no1 is cares about this.
Well sure give a hint ^^. Is it something binary?
If it's a number system you've developed on your own and you've written a program that creates the image from a given word, I think you've done something good and that you've got too much time ^^ :happy:
Well I sure got too much spare time :D but it's nothing like that. Here's a hint: the password is already in the picture so you don't have to decrypt anything.