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Ok, I finally got it… Woot woot… lol.
Here is a hint to everyone -
Dont think of the message being all letters. if you see the message think of somethings that can be replaced… *Too much info?
i have the text but i cant get it sharp/clear enough to read, iv worked out there are number (s) in it. is it a word that makes sence? or just some random stuff?
i've been workin on this mission for so long now and i can't figure out what the thing in the middle is… ANY CLUES???? i know for sure i got the letters right, i just cant figure out the middle thing…
jut keep trying. telling people the answer or even hinting at it sort of defeats the purpose of these challenges. just keep plugging away, and trying to make the image clearer
suck This is hard. It is youst so irriteded that I cant see the 3 letter. I have beeng turned around on the gamma, color, brignest and contrast, channels. And everything but I cant see the 3 letter.